Wiener! It's not very pleasant when somebody calls you that. It is actually the shortened form for Wienerwurst sausage and since the Wiener resembles a certain male organ, it is also used as a vulgar slang. I don't know why out of the 1500 different varieties of German sausages, the Wienerwurst has been given the honour.
Germans are also avid pork lovers. The average German consumes 72kg of meat per year. And pig in German is Schwein. The German's love affair with Pork can be illustrated by one commonly used phrase in the German Language, Schwein Haben, which literally means to have a pig. But the expressions means to get lucky!
With these two sang words/expressions. I begin this post on a restaurant that has generated s much interest among food bloggers. A cathedral to worship the Schwein in all it's glory, 9am till 12midnight, in every cooking style imaginable, right in the centre of town.

Breakfast is served all day long, which is godsend for me. Had Egg Benedict and the German word for egg is Ei or Eier (plural). One of the ways to insult another person in German would be to call them Land Ei (Country egg) or Village idiot. That's another insult to learn, another way to call your Bos when he is not around. The eggs were not poached, but fried and the Hollandaise Sauce was not tangy, but the Bacon was crispy and nice.

Country Farmer Sausage, very old world, chunky and contains Marjoram and Caraway, not unlike the not unlike the Nürnberger Rostbratwurst from Franconia. It cam served with Roesti (made from fried sliced potato wedges) and Sauerkraut. The Sausage was beautifully flavoured and fresh and erved with some deliciously lardy red wine reduction sauce. You will have to agree that German Sausages are better endowed than the wrinkled and hard Chinese Lap Cheong. There are a lot of beautiful expressions in the German language using the word Bratwurst, but in order to mantain the PG13 rating of this blog, I'll have to omit them.

Nothing much to look at, but the Sausage was served with some Sauerkraut as well. Wonder why Germans are called "Krauts" (usually derisive, don't use that term) by Americans? Sauerkrauts are rather popular n Germany and it is actually Cabbage that has undergone some fermentation and hence is slightly sour and pungent. I happen to be a big fan of pickles, and I loved it.

Well, in keeping with the General Theme in the Menu, the only seafood dish here is also served with Pork. Grilled humongous Alaskan Scallops, wrapped with Bacon and served with Grilled Mushroom, Onions and Tomatoes. The Scallops were mist , juicy and seared just right. It is served with another very traditional German side dish, the Spaetzle which was wonderfully milky and smooth.

Remember Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music singing "My Favourite Things"? One of the lines goes "Crisp Apple Strudel and Warm Woolen Mittens....". Well, the Apple Strudel here was not crisp, but leathery. But the filling was nice and tangy with a hint of Cinnamon. And the Vulgar meal with lots of Oinky Porky Dishes ended with the Strudel.
I have to say that Weissbräu is a very welcome addition to Pavilion. The food served is beautiful, rustic German Pub Grub and there is a huge variety of German Beers for the jaded Alcoholic. Items to look out for will be the German Pork Knuckle and the smoked pork loin and bacon. My LX3 after the firmware upgrade has been better in preforming under low light conditions (pics above ISO200 and 400) and the white balance has been a little bit more accurate as well.
Level 3, Pavilion
Tel: 03-2142 0288
aiyoh wat pg13? bring on the fouls!
I'm so there!!! wait for me... oh piggy
@Joe: Will give you a learn a phrase a day via twitter!
@Thule: Yeah! Call me if you are going. I'm usually just nearby.
oh thanks Android for the succulent sausage and simple German lesson esp. the pg13 :)
Seems like Pavilion have quite a lot of nice restaurants. The sausage look yummy!
Aiyo, feels like drooling!Aunt Meng told me about the blog. Have been following what you savour. Food looks yummy although you know it's no no pork for your Aunt Yee!
paranoid android,
whenever i want to escape from thinking about political issues, your blog is where i go. i rank yr blog in the same category as ASTRO's AFC.
thanks paranoid android.
ok..will call u if we are nearby! I jz rmr that u said u stayed in KLCC area...
Lovely photos as always...
I just went recently with AWOL... fantastic food! I do agree... great to have them in Pav. Really awesome place...
@Sea: He he.. Yes. It is now a good place to Pork out. When are ou dropping by from HK?
@AuntyYee: Ok, next time we do something without pork lor.
@Sakmongkol: Dear Dato Sak. I am also a big fan of your blog, which is a very balanced and fair commentary on Malaysian politics. I can only wish the other Politicians in Umno/BN had your intellect, wisdom and maturity. I am flattered by your comment, but remains unworthy to the comparison to AFC! Thanks for dropping by.
@Nomad: Yes,please do. We will go worship food together.
@Frat: Are you going to include Weissbrau in Q guides?
And to all: Sorry for the late response.
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