(no pork served)
I try to avoid heavy dinners for health reasons, unless I am out entertaining or be entertained. Dinners at home are usually bland rabbit food or occasionally, dai chow with lots of veges. Lunches are usually more indulgent and this week's menu at Sage was just that.

Their Konbu Bavarois with Hokkaido Scallops was a piece of dream in the form of wobbly jelly. The humble kelp that is used for dashi soup base is transformed into a piece of gelatinous blob that epitomized smoothness and creativity. Served with lightly seared scallops, caviar, a dash of soya and mirin, now you can eat your soup and get transported to heaven during the brief lunch hour.

Grilled River Prawn Tagliolini was opulent. The head of the prawn is swimming in Roe. A dish that is probably inspired by Sang Har Meen, served with perfectly al dente pasta. It was a beautiful piece of gustatory dream as it was arresting visually. Loved the "butterfly" which is a piece of tempura.

When I read about the Pâté en Croûte, I knew I had to rush of to try it. The worse thing about the Rotating Menu at Sage is once you miss the week, you will have to wait for yonks again before it appears again. Traditionally, the Pâté en Croûte is served as an appetizer. The center is from minced pork, beef or even a foie terrine. Sage has decided to serve this as a main.

But Oh La la! The version at Sage is duck Pâté en Croûte. Duck lovers rejoice. This is duck heaven. Minced duck meat wrapped around a heart of Duck Foie, baked in Pastry dough and frangranced with some corriander and served with a side of Mesculun and Foie. My heart was doing the tango while taking photos of this. What a beautiful creation in contrast to last week's stodgy grilled Angus.
It looks like a mooncake with duck liver in the centre instead of duck yolk, duck meat instead of lotus paste!
Cilantro serves this (entree portion) only at RM78++. Grab the full portion this week at Sage as part of the RM100 set lunch.

Their dessert of Spanish Melon, with Honeydew Sorbet and White Wine Jelly was nothing to go crazy about, but still a lovely end to another perfect lunch.
By the way, I am not paid by Sage to do their promotions. Even if they decide to "enggage" a blogger, it wouldn't be a nobody like me. I just love their effort in making lunch so lovely, a welcome break from the tedium work. And of course the food there is almost pornographic. The ultimate erotica imagery for me would be Marion Cotillard in a Cat Suit with Sage's Tuna Carpaccio still stuck on her whiskers.
Ta's and remember, this is only until Friday.
Marion Cotillard in a Cat Suit with Sage's Tuna Carpaccio still stuck on her whiskers?
Wow. What an imagination, you cheeky Android! LOL.
(*clap-clap-clap* Thank you for making me crave for a deliciously indulgent lunch... Will really have to head over to Sage soon! *drool*)
I love Sage's lunches because the selection is imaginative and adventurous (probably acts as a testing ground for the chef to gauge the customers' reaction as well). Bravo Sage. If only more restaurants were like this, but for now I can only think of two other places which are similarly creative.
u must have been VERY inspired by this dish to come up with the post so quick!
I am in love! I must go to Sage this week! Friday? Any takers?! Anyone??
gosh, y'know, i've never ever managed to eat at sage during lunch. blame it on work, i guess. but the lunch dishes do often look more intriguing than the dinner items!
be still my beating heart.. and you my dear PA.. i fear that the head of the prawn that is swimming in roe may just still your beating heart all together!
so rich!!!! so decadent!!
(when we going running:P)
mad love sage.
everytime I look at your post on Sage.. I ask myself on when lah I am going to make it to Sage one day???
Good god. Marion Cotillard is delicious as she is without the tuna carpaccio! LOL.
Oh damn..whn whn whn can i get time off for lunch??? *wails*
Oh Dear..looks like I missed an invite to a fantastic lunch again. *sigh* If only my office were nearer to the Gardens.
It does look like a mooncake hor?
your pictures make the food look really yummy. I carze to try even the stuff that I don't normally eat. Good job! BTW what camera do you use?
I just love the way you write, so whenever I'm here I just lap it all up!
@J: I am a naughty android. Spank me. LOL,
@LL: Yes, dear. 2 other places? You gotta share the secret with me. When are doing lunch again?
@Joe: LOL. Yups. Big Duck Fan.
@Min: Can be arranged, easily ;)
@Sean: I have to agree that more effort should be put into the mains. The two style thingy has been done to death.
@Cikay: I know you do. Your eyes always glimmer when you dine there. Blink blink.
@Nomadgourmand: Meow! Love her and Audrey Tatou.
@Unka: LOL. Next week?
@jh: I just use a Canon 550D... Thanks.
@Jazz: Thanks so much. Saw your blogsite. Beautiful photos. Will drop by there again and really go through your posts!
yes eat light during dinner let's live healthier
Agreed. Whenever I am at home, I would cook something light. Sometimes, I would have some toast and fruits plus a soy drink. Even when we dine outside, the sequence of taking food is quite important. I usually have a sandwich sequence. First on veggie/fruit, then meat/veggie/carbo./veggie/meat (if the main course have all of these 3 different things), finally veggie/fruit. This way the calorie or fat from meat and carbo. would be lessened a bit due to some fiber blocking it. Another key point is not to take too much sauce with the food. And don't eat too fast since our stomach is 20 minutes late in reacting. So we should let our stomach have more time to tell our body to stop before too much food get in.
Mmh.. it may be too systematic and bothering, but I find it working.
@TC: Yes! let's!
@Sky: Yes, bro. But I still need to run more to lose my tummy. Lots more!
now I totally understand why you said last week's menu was way better. i can grasp it now with all the pics! nice to meet you again :D actually we have met before at Bangsar Seafood but just that night there were too many ppl around for you to remember who i am :p
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